Thursday, August 29, 2019

Modify the essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modify the - Essay Example source of labor for outsourced products, which may as well mean that we are advocating for child labor by promoting companies that outsource indiscriminately. Because Child labor and death of children in factory fires abroad is directly linked to outsourcing, which promotes employment of cheap labor for reduced costs. The morality behind having child labor laws enforced in our nation while giving a blind eye to plight of children in our business partners’ nations is questionable as well as illogical. The author’s claim is very effective in that the laws against child labor in the country do not touch on imports allegedly produced through child labor in countries. Weber’s article is evidence of illegal employment of child labor in textile manufacturing companies to warrant the issue of outsourcing as unethical even bordering on illegal. The first fact is the fire of 1911 that engulfed the Asch Building, which housed the Triangle Waist Company. The author records that fresh immigrant teenage girls were employed in the company to manufacture shirtwaists for women. In the May 10, 1993 fire that razed down Kader Industrial Toy Company in Thailand, most of the dead workers were described as being teenage girls. She uses this evidence and support to highlight the plight of children especially in third world countries who usually go unaccounted for in the event of fires at the factories. The precarious working conditions make the situations worse especially for underage workers who are most likely to die in the event of such fires. Weber’s claim is quite effective as she brings factual evidence by citing previous incidents where childr en formed the majority of workers who succumbed to fire break outs in various companies in developing nations. Using real examples brings the author’s claims in touch with reality, thus drilling some sense into the minds of readers. Weber still give evidence that the children working in textile factories are kept as a secret and

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